This information is taken directly from our Comfort Doll Project charity website HERE.
Unfortunately we do not have certificates of authenticity signed by artists/bands for the guitar and bass strings donated by the artists – most times it would be impossible to attempt to do so, as often the strings are pulled off the guitar that was played that very night, and handed to us by the guitar tech or the artist themselves. It would be impossible to ask the artists to sign certificates for each string – we get anywhere from 6 strings to 30 sets! Each bracelet would need to come with its own certificate and it’s just not doable. We have however, created our own small card with band/artist name and date which is sent with each bracelet.
So how do you know what you are getting is the real deal? Social media is the new confirmation.
The Glorious Sons singer Brett Emmons tweeted:

Tom Cochrane confirmed the strings were his when fans asked, Tweeting:

Jerry Horton (Papa Roach) retweeted our photo of the box of strings he sent, as well as posting on his Instagram page – our phone blew up! We had 200 bracelet orders in 3 days and could hardly keep up!

Shinedown’s bass player Eric Bass also donated, and tweeted:

Country artist Aaron Pritchett routinely sends us his strings a few times per year, and when a fan asked if they were really his, Aarontweeted:

Sam Roberts Band and The Trews donate their strings every few years – and have featured our past auctions on their websites which confirms the band is indeed supporting our efforts.
Hope this helps allay any doubts and please feel free to contact us with any questions. And thanks for your support