We often make jewelry with a specific artist in mind, just knowing that the finished product would ‘so’ be their style.. sometimes we’re fortunate enough to gift the item to that artist, and sometimes they agree to endorse the item.
To understand what endorsing a product means, think about athletes who endorse sports gear or sport drinks etc. Think about musicians who endorse specific guitars, or guitar/bass strings, or drummers who endorse sticks, or cymbals. Think about home reno shows who endorse specific brands or news personalities who dress in a specific clothing line.
We often make jewelry with a specific artist in mind, just knowing that the finished product would ‘so’ be their style.. sometimes we’re fortunate enough to gift the item to that artist, and sometimes they agree to endorse the item.
To understand what endorsing a product means, think about athletes who endorse sports gear or sport drinks etc. Think about musicians who endorse specific guitars, or guitar/bass strings, or drummers who endorse sticks, or cymbals. Think about home reno shows who endorse specific brands or news personalities who dress in a specific clothing line.
Endorsement is a two way trade between the company supplying the item, and the person who is wearing /using that item (and who becomes the walking advertisement for that item). Some items involve time (massages, hair cuts, services) but most involve money invested (clothing, jewelry, goods) and so the company invests that money by finding the right endorsers. The person receiving the items or services, benefits by getting something at a greatly reduced rate (up to 85% discount) or free.
When considering an endorsement deal, the company supplying the items take a few things into consideration;
- how popular is the person accepting the endorsement deal?
- Do they have a large, or active following on social media and in real life?
- Are they influential with those fans and followers?
In other words, will their fans/followers purchase the same items seeing their idol wearing those items?Also considered of course, is how much publicity will endorser give the items they are using?
- one post? Six posts?
- will they wear the item in public once? ten times? 6 months? To red carpet events and promo photo shoots?
- will they take photos of the item or themselves wearing it and will they tag/link back to the company providing the swag?
In other words, how much traction will the company get out of the celebrity using/wearing their item? This useage is what the company uses to figure out what sort of discount to give on the items.
The company also considers whether the endorser is a good fit for the company’s values, vision and brand before progressing with endorsement.. think about fallen sports idols, and how they’ve been stripped of endorsement deals as they no longer reflect the company’s values.
Many companies require an endorsement contract simply as a way to lay out these particulars.. it helps when both parties know what to expect and what is expected, and if the initial deal is a ‘success’, it can lead to a long term mutually satisfying partnership.
If an endorsement deal is still something that appeals to you, please download our Endorsement form and return it to nightmaircreations at gmail dot com for further info. Lets talk!